One of the main reasons we name this site "The Journey" was because we knew going into this it was going to be a journey for both of us. We have both had our ups and our downs. For me it has been more then just a weight loss journey but as I like to call it a health journey. It started for me with getting my health on the right track, in this there are stages I have to take to become the best I can be. The first stage for me is spirituality. I have to get my life back on track with Christ... For I can try any and all diet or weight loss plans out there (and I have) But I know that I will not make it without putting Christ first in my life. In this stage I make time for Christ in my each and every day. I put my focus off of food and make Him the highlight of my day and reason for living. Stage two for me is what I call the redefine stage. In this stage is where I put it out front, define where life went wrong, how I become this way and what I need to "lose" in my life. Be it some foods, bad habits, TV, computer etc... The next stage for me is what I call my "Choice" stage. In this stage I make the right choices in, what I eat and what I do. I cut the calories and eat the best that God has to offer. I don't do "can" and I stay away from pointless fats. In this stage I also make the choice to move. I try to exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week. The last stage for me is the "Live it" stage. This is one of the most important stages I will face.. Without going through the first stage I will fail on this big time. My journey is for a lifetime. I am currently making the right choices for me to get the most out of life. Like I said it has been hard at times but I am getting back up when I fall and trying again. So far it seems to be working. The 1st week I started I lost like a lot. I am still losing big and don't want to stop now. Who knows if it all works out in the end maybe I will write a book on it... (doesn't the world need another weight loss book?!?! ) I will try to keep you more updated on my journey but as you know things take time.. And right now in my life God has given me time. I give a big thanks to all who support our journey. In Christ we can do all things!! With the support of friends and family and some of the biggest loser contestants I have met along the way I have seen great things happen and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
"Sometimes people will hear you and be able to change their behavior, but often their behavior has more to do with their own need for approval than with your need for support. No matter what their response, you need to be firm and hold your ground. At the end of the day, your health is your responsibility." — Jillian Michaels
In His Grip,