It's been a rough week or so; I started showing signs of preeclampsia over a week ago and felt completely awful! I've been in L&D twice to be monitored, was dehydrated both times, had a UTI that needed IV antibiotics, and had high blood pressure that they debated admitting me for (my blood work came back still in normal ranges, so they sent me home). I also gained 8 pounds in 5 days from the swelling, so I was pretty miserable. Yuck!
And then the FedEx man came.
I love the FedEx guy. Not only does he give our dogs treats when he pulls in, he brings packages. This time, it was the Sunrider Calli Tea I'd ordered from my grandmother. I used this after I delivered Emily to help rid my body of the toxins and fluids from labor, and loved it. It's totally safe for pregnancy, so I decided to go ahead and start drinking it in the mornings.
Want to know what has changed?
My blood pressure has completely stabilized, my lab work on Friday had remarkably improved, my energy level has shot through the roof, and I've lost five of those 8 pounds of fluids that I had gained so quickly. The keeps me in my goal of gaining 15-20 pounds during this pregnancy (right now I'm at 16 pounds gained). I've always remarked about the benefits of Calli Tea, but holy cow! I'm totally sold. I don't think I'll ever stop drinking it again (it's been about six months since I'd ordered a box).
Thank you, Grandma! :-D
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